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Lost or stolen debit card? Suspicious transaction on your account? Looking for an application? Need help with digital banking? View our resources below.


These services are offered to prospective customers who reside in Citizens Progressive Bank’s trade area. Click on an application below to download it.



Consumer/Business Credit Application

Applying for credit? Click on the link to view a printable version of the application and return the completed form to the nearest Citizens Progressive Bank location. 
 Consumer/Business Credit Application


Residential Loan Application

Buying a house? Click on the link to view a printable version of the application and return the completed form to the nearest Citizens Progressive Bank location. 
 Residential Loan Application
 Appraisal Notice


Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry (NMLS ID)

Citizens Progressive Bank 510456
Kelly P. Strong 537249
Christopher Edward McManus 1134509
Melissa Dianne Baum 1181750
Courtney Bridges Holyfield 89736
Mitchell Lee Tucker 1008527
Gregory M. Holyfield 929803
Jessica Arant 999769
Melissa Ann Woodard 2564153
Matthew David Stephens 1425092
Samantha Paige Lively 2592411
Austin Kyle Barnhill 2598448
Karen Ligon Tarver 2601351
Sydney Darden 2687048
Landon Joiner 171307